You and your fresher: Read this before you rush out to the shops!

Your child, let’s call her Edwina again, has managed to bag a room on Readingham University campus and can’t wait to kit it out in style. She’s thinking matching cups and plates, decorative desk tidy and floral bedspreads. But have a look at our list before you dash off for what is likely to be a humdinger of a shop to Ikea, or even John Lewis – and, as much as I have sold my soul to John Lewis on a few occasions, in this instance: just NO!… Read More You and your fresher: Read this before you rush out to the shops!

Summertime with adult children – chilling with challenges

Summertime… and the living should be easy, but I fear that what we can actually expect will be invigorating but much less relaxing than Gershwin. Here is what’s likely to be going on in the mature family’s house this summer: Temperamental weather. Living in the British Isles, we talk the talk about barbecues and picnics,… Read More Summertime with adult children – chilling with challenges

Come back Peter, come back Paul…how to survive life with your Boomerang Kid..

So how did this happen? – We stood forlorn in the empty nest only yesterday, it seems, got over it and wrote our empty-bucket list when suddenly – bang! The Boomerang Kid, or recent graduate is back home ‘just until they’ve found a job and somewhere to live’. Result: shoes and coats all over the house… Read More Come back Peter, come back Paul…how to survive life with your Boomerang Kid..